»Mélanie klein as an analyst of adolescents : IV. The case of Fabien Especel «


»Having studied the cases of Felix «, « Ilse «, and « Willy «, which illustrate the concepts of internal objects, unconscious fantasies and the feminine phase common to both sexes, the author deals with the case of « Fabien Especel « (aged 18). This adolescent is the hero of If I Were You..., Julien Green's fantastic novel (1947), whose internal world Klein explored in « On Identification « (1955), almost « as though he were a real patient «. The normal and pathological aspects of projective identification are developed and deepened in « On Identification «, through the « analysis « of Fabien Especel.»

Mots clés
»Schizo-paranoid position, Excessive « and « normal « projective identification, Personification, Clinical treatment of the double.»