Published twice yearly, a Journal of psychopathology and social sciences.

Summary : Sexualities and Aids, autumn 99-17-2


FranÁoise Weil-Halpern : How to become an adolescent in an hiv infected family

The surge of HIV in the paediatric field shattered the life and future of families. It followed a reverse path with reference to the progress that could have been made in the approach of the consequences of separations, death and illnesses of any one relative, parent or child. It forced us to have new conceptions about life such as : the desire of a child, giving birth and life, bringing up, protecting, guiding, keeping alive, helping to live and helping to die. The mother, one of the children, sometimes the father, all wage a merciless war against the illness, against discrimination, isolation, the secret, pain, fear of death. Confronted to such an earthquake, the author questioned herself on what those infected children may or may not feel at adolescence. Through these clinical vignettes and what children say about themselves, the author tries to show what a tragical ordeal they are confronted to. How do they survive to such a slaughter ? How do they or don’t they achieve theyr task of mourning ? What memories do they keep or are they allowed to keep about their fathers, and/or their mothers ? What kind of personal history will they build therefrom ? What kind of guilt is their stake ? So many questions for which sometimes there are no specific answers ? The recent progress in the therapeutic field brought changes that are both synonyms of hope and of pain.

Key-words : Aids, Mourning, Silence, Forbidding of memory and of family history.


Serge Hefez : Adolescence and aids, the impossible transmission

Most questions asked by HIV positive adolescents belonging to our speech-group deal with the secret around the contaminations.

Such a secret entail splittings and denials which, at first, protect the adolescent and the rest of the family. Then, however, it rapidly turns into an attractor which swallows the emotional cathexes, which structures a post towards which the resistances of the discourse converge and which cristallizes the defence mechanism system into an organizing figure of both repetition and homeostasis.

The disavowal mechanisms of its transmission have been studied a great deal on the transgenerational level. Groups and family work however compell us to be more careful about new mechanisms, namely the processes and psychological mechanisms at work in the intergenerational dynamics.

Key-words : Secret, Aids, Transmission, Speech-groups.


Martine Myquel, Florence Askenazy : Real trauma and fantasmatic trauma : an adolescent girl confronted to aids and to her parents’ death

The problematics of parental narcissistic objects who escape is illustrated in the observation of a young adolescent girl confronted to Aids and to her parents’ death.

Key-words Aids, Trauma, Parental narcissistic objects.


Claude ThiaudiËre : Adolescents’ use : how to reduce the disorders of the epidemics

Starting from the realizing that prevention of Aids among adolescents and youths is important whereas the epidemics is of mediocre concern to that population, the author begins to ponder on the complexities of the social representations associating Aids and adolescence, starting from the idea that such categories result from a task of the social institutions. Hence developing a prevention discourse on Aids with those categories entails Aids to be thus integrated into a consensus discourse rather that speaking in terms of marginal categories (homosexuals, addicts, African migrants). When referring to both these categories, what is at stake are patterns of social functioning (the biographical institution in the case of adolescence, the territorial group for youth). Such a reading of the action of prevention shows the underlying political splitting, i.e. on the one hand, adolescence that should be protected from the risks run by Aids ; on the other hand, youth that should be protected from the risk run by society due to Aids.

Key-words : Prevention, Aids, Adolescence, Youth, Social institutions.


Bruno Deswaene : Adolescence and catastrophe

Adolescence is part of a specific approach of time which upheavals the ontogenetic development of the being. In that sense, it becomes a morphogenetical catastrophe that has to be assimilated by the subject. Being a fundamentally structuring stage of development on the psychological level, it takes into account former experiences and points of breaking up. However, pain does not systematically mean breakdown or crisis though it normally partakes to a morbid interpretation.

The preliminary and early encounter with the sexual in the framework of a sexual assault having taken place during the latency period alters the traditional unfolding of the psychological balance. On the social level, such a preliminary emotional experience entails a specific perception of a catastrophic nature and most of the times does it inscribe the experience within a destructive vision, i.e. altering the totality of the elements that are part of the subject’s psychological stability. However, the taking over of this experience of the sexual as a life experience were not to be understood as an involution process or as a damming of the psychological evolution but were to be understood in terms of a stage that would have to be taken an account of in the successive unfolding of the catastrophes inscribed within human ontogenesis, thus connotating more specifically the stage of adolescence, itself being a specific time within the revelation of the sexual attempt. The latter would then become a moment of personalization by the subject of what is to him specifically an intimate catastrophe.

Key-words : Sexual assault, Trauma, Latency, Perversion.


Moses Laufer : Sexual abuse or a delusional structure ? from adolescent to young adult

The treatment of an adolescent patient who recalled having been sexually abused in childhood by her father is described. In the course of treatment, various doubts were raised in the analyst’s mind about the truth of this memory.

As the analysis progressed, the analyst felt that the patient’s responses to interpretations were signs of the presence of a delusional structure. When the patient felt that the analyst doubted her memory, or was not on her side, she angrily and vengefully broke off her treatment. She remains a very vulnerable young woman.

The delusional structure contained the patient’s sexual need to destroy the male’s potency as a defense against her longing for the oedipal mother who, in reality, had left the patient for a new husband.

Key-words : Sexual abuse, Delusional structure.


Serge Lesourd : A new object of fantasy ?

Aids is inscribed as a return of death within sexuality after the dazzling blaze of total enjoyment in the years of " sexual liberation ". It stresses the passage to adolescent genital sexuality of a hue which is quite different and yet quite similar to Freud’s cases of adolescents and Dora’s in particular. Such a return of death within the genital sexual accounts for the new sexual behaviours of adolescents (faithfulness, baby-couples, collective rapes) but also comes to be part and parcel of every adult cure, since the relationship towards the adult and towards love are now different, turning Aids into a real object of fantasy.

Key-words : Aids, Complementarity of the sexes, Fantasy object, Adolescent operation.


Philippe Hofman : Adolescence, aids and prison

This paper tries to analyze the pathologies, behaviours, cultural hiatus and psychical representations of adolescents in prison. Such a research was conceived according to their own conception of Aids. The several multifarious associations generated by this illness stress the link existing between risk behaviours and sexual representations. Here the whole of the adolescent problematics becomes caricatural.

Key-words : Prison, Aids, Narcissism, Sexuality.


Hubert Lisandre : A prevention of the angel ?

Though being a " young homosexual " does not mean a specific risk of being contaminated by Aids, it may be studied as a priviledged figure of the psychological stakes liable to guide an adequate prevention, notably as regards the reference to the Oedipian father. Gabriel’s discourse, coming from a research dealing with the unconscious dimension of prevention, enables to stress a problematic " angelism " that may be considered as a real risk factor and questions reversely the present politics of prevention as well as the position of the psychologist in front of a youth on the register of his sexuality.

Key-words : Aids, Prevention, Sexuality, Fantasies, Oedipian father.


Brigitte Dutillieux, Caroline Lebrun, BÈrengËre Porret : Aids : a sesame for fil santÈ jeunes

This paper shows how the theme of Aids is tackled and used by those youths who call Fil SantÈ Jeunes (a free help line). Aids appears there no longer as a displacement pattern but as a true illness we should make out among others the ordinary fantasmatic productions linked to the puberty problematics and the pathological discourse of young adults. Even in calls for fun, the listener must take into account the reality of the epidemics and should take car of prevention.

Key-words : Aids, Puberty, Help line, Figures of displacement, Prevention.


Didier Lauru : Madness of touch

The fear of Aids makes the love encounter far more complex and creates an upheaval in the relationships of adolescents in the course of their first approaches of sexuality. The mad desire to touch the other person, magnificently embodied in the love ideal, can be hindered.

The author thus wonders whether those adolescents were to repeat phylogenitically the several stages of courtly love.

Key-words : Aids, Sexuality, Courtly love.


Marie-Jose del Volgo : The fear of saÔd’s aids : ý propos ali

On the occasion of a session meant to explore his breathing capacities, I receive Ali as an M.D. This youth, aged 25 will tell me about his feeling depressed and his fear of Aids. Due to the setting enabling " a moment to voice things ", and to this ethical position of listening to Ali with reference to the psychoanalytic method, the analysis of the signifyiers lead me to bring his fear of Aids and his brother’s together within the associations knot of his discourse. Amid a technoscientific medical approach which is gradually more and more dehumanized, clinical psychopathology and psychoanalysis have the vocation to restore the ethical function and value of illness and care.

Key-words : Ethics, Medicine, Psychoanalysis, Clinical psychopathology, Aids.


AndrÈ-Michel Gardey : Regression and building of deferred actions, hiv positivity and trauma

This paper presents a clinical case in which an " unpleasant encounter " in reality, i.e. the announcement of bearing the HIV virus has entailed an immediate regression of the subject in time towards that very moment of his adolescence in which some kind of psychological rehandling had been stopped. It discusses the regression towards the infantile that took place, leading to a re-negociation in the deferred action of the Oedipian conflict that had suddenly been stopped and fixed on the occasion of the death of the father when the subject was 15. It suggests the hypothesis according to which this may have taken place again in a progredient rehandling in which his own confrontation to the death to come at last offered the subject the opprtunity, that had remained uncertain up to then, to identify himself to the father through death and thus regain some kind of filial relationship in a rehabilitation of its function. To leave behind a grandiose father, outside the possibilities of any form of identification, in order to erect an Oedipian father liable to be an ideal and also to be structuring, seems to have been one of the outcome of seropositivity.

Key-words : Seropositivity, Death, Regression, Deferred identification, Pregenital grandiose father vs Oedipian father.


Nino Rizzo : From the fear of love to love of aids

After the decade of the 80’s, Aids has become an unavoidable fact of life for teenagers and young adults. This may be indeed more psychological than real. It has become a social phenomenon with obvious quantitative and statistical aspects. How therefore is the psychological reality articulated in the individual confronted to Aids ? Such an articulation seems to depend upon the psychological structure of adolescence thus becoming some kind of " revelator " of this deep down structure. Through the analysis of a young borderline individual, the author tries to show its significance for such a youth, its place in her psychological economy and the benefits that may be, or have been, drawn from it. In the theoretical analysis that follows, the focus lies in the pertinence of the concepts of death instinct and life instinct in the clinical approach of borderline patients.

Key-words : Aids, Death and life instincts, Borderline patients.


FranÁois Pommier : Aids and the fantasy of immortality

The defence strategies of the Aids pathologies towards finitude strongly recall those building themselves up during adolescence. An ego wounded and attacked by the unbinding forces and infantile ideals trying to disentangle themselves rest in the latter. The resurgence of the fantasy of immortality coming up again and unfolding itself during puberty enables the wiping out or the misappreciation of the wound. Through some extracts from the psychoanalytic cure of a patient suffering from Aids, we shall try to show how such a fantasy is liable to emerge and also how far the psychoanalyst, with reference to the idea of a forecast death may find himself blotted out from his position of neutrality and confronted to his own belief in immortality.

Key-words : Aids, Fantasy of immortality, Counter-transference.


Marie Choquet : Risk behaviour at adolescence

In this paper, the author comments two epidemiological studies on the use of condoms with youths between 15 and 18 (H. Lagrange, B. Lhomond, and the ACSJ team) and the risk frequency rate of Aids among the young drug-users (F.Lert). She draws the following conclusions :

- adolescents are responsible subjects who do respond to health messages,

- prevention actions may be useful and efficient,

- however the actions with high-risk youths should be thought over more carefully.

Key-words : Aids, Drugs, Condoms, Prevention.


Alain Abelhauser, Laurent Ottavi : Between clinical approach and ethics

The " ethical questions " raised by Aids are not specific to it. Yet, though not specific to it, they may take an examplary character as is evidenced by the clinical situation which we present here. The latter, by confronting the doctors to a specific impossible choice, and putting the " paternal function " directly at play, enables us to define what we suggest to call an " ethical position ", as opposed to the concepts of deontology or morals, and stress its essential link with the " clinical " touch understood as an art of the " case-to-case ", i.e. a place where the singularity of the subject is to be revealed.

Key-words : Clinical approach, Ethics, " Paternal function ", Medical confidentiality, Aids.


Pierre Angel : Prevention strategies and aids

The elaboration and organization of health educational programms with youths should meet precise criteria. Here, the author discusses prevention in terms of HIV and drug addiction. Only a credible information, adapted to the public aimed at, may exercize some positive influence : it should be given mainly to vulnerable subjects but also to the whole community. International cooperation in that field is more than ever on today’s agenda.

Key-words : Prevention, Aids, Drug-addiction.


Dana Rudelic-Fernandez : What kind of language should be used for prevention at school ?

In the course of prevention network in CRIPS, the author presents a research carried out on the the language underlying the actions of communication and prevention of Aids towards young people. The aim was to analyze, amid every single act of communication the representations covering words in order to guarantee that the messages that are emitted do indeed refer to the realities and values that organize on the one hand the sociolinguistic universe of the adults and on the other, that of the youths. The question thus asked is whether the modes of expresion can be transposed one from the other.

Key-words : Prevention, Language, Aids.


Emmanuel Hirsch : Morals and ethics of prevention : questions

In the fight against HIV-Aids, prevention strategies are a determining stake. Can one however be satisfied with devices that would not be submitted to a critical assessment ? From the point of view of its impact and consequences, prevention must be both at once efficient and respectful of the person in its rights and values. The adolescent should be able to be granted an access to all information allowing him to have a series of autonomous choices at hand and which also would enable him to stress his own responsibilities whereas at the same time his frailties would be taken into account.

Key-words : Ethics, Morals, Prevention.


Patrick Alvin : Pondering about the liability to emotional behaviour adolescence

The study of the intermediary states or physiological determinants of a liability to emotional behaviour at adolescence necessarily calls forth the psychology of development and endocrinology of behaviours. If one holds on to hormon biology, and sex hormons in particular, both levels of significant effects may be summed up in an activating influence, contemporary to puberty and a far prior organizing influence, contemporary to the ante- and peri-natal period. According to both these levels of influence, one should be able to distinguish between the direct and indirect effects, knowing that all of them are at work simultaneously, in proportions that are of course diverse and often very difficult to precise. The data we have at present suggest that we should relativize a far too simplistic image of a " hormonal storm " wherefrom an emotional " storm and stress " specific to adolescence would result. These data stress important differences according to the sex and also stress the joint part played by the several factors coming from the environment.

Key-words : Liability to emotional behaviour, Physiology, Puberty.


Dominique J. Arnoux : Sophie’s good fortune

An episode in the life of S. Freud, i.e. the engagement of his daughter Sophie with Max exmplify how counter-transference affects about identity come in contact with the working through surging in the adult when their children discover and show off a liable genital sexuality, thus experiencing love feelings and emotions.

Key-words : Freud, Sexual genitality, Counter-transference, Worlking-through.


Damien Rwegera : The situation in africa

The Aids epidemics that does not seem to regress in Africa has a catastrophic impact on children, adolescents and adults. The consequences of such a situation are sanitary, economic and demographic. The adolescents, who are more than a billion in the world, are very concerned, particularly in Africa where only very few of them go to school and who for many of them either remain in the streets and/or prostitute themselves. Anti-Aids committees have been organized among school children and teachers, information and education in terms of prevention try to move as far as the rural villages. Associations try to help the authorities. People suffering from Aids themselves try to inform and by telling their stories promote a decline of denial and exclusion. Yet medical and psychosocial help and care should be better, for, if they weren’t, the discourse on prevention would be totally useless.

Key-words : Aids, Africa, Prevention, Associations.


Malanjaona M. Rakotomalala : " Carnal need " : a weapon enabling resistance to christianism with the former generations of merinas

In the 19th century the Bible suggested a new approach of the human body to the Merinas who were the most powerful and most evalized kingdom in Malagasy. Christianism was supposed to inspire them towards an integration into " civilization ". Some ancestral institutions, believed to be adverse to the new traditions were given up. Yet, the " carnal need ", which was the neologism by which the missionaries defined lust remained insensitive to the christianization of the customs. The Merinas used sexuality as a field for resistance, confronted as they were to the fear of a total seizure of their identity by the Westerners. Whether it be amid the royal family or with common people, the actors were mainly adolescents : their behaviour had been approved by their parents.

Key-words : Merina (Malagasy), Sexuality, Religion, History.


Yolande Govindama : The symbolical function of the " ancestor child " in the interpretation of mental illness with adolescents of the first generation

Starting from the traditional aetiology of mental illness in Sub Saharan Africa, the author questions the concept of " ancestor child " in the interpretation of mental disorders with African adolescents belonging to the first generation of migrant adolescents. Starting from an ethnopsychoanalytic reading of two clinical vignettes, the author stresses the reintroduction of the symbolical function of the father, erected as it is on that very traditional etiology, with two families exposed to acculturation. The author evidences the therapeutic efficiency of that ethnopsychological method which enabled both these adolescents to substract themselves from the denial of a fialitation ascribed by such a cultural logic in order not to be sacrificed to such a " status " of an " ancestor child ".

Key-words : Sub Saharan-Africa, Traditional etiology of mental illness, Migration, Ethnopsychoanalysis.


Catherine Wieder : " A speech is being hidden ", african adolescence and psychopathology

After having analyzed in depth a file coming from Africa, the author gathers the characteristics of adolescents in Benin, Niger, Ivory Coast, Senegal, ZaÔr, Burkina Faso and some African migrants in France. If these adolescents, for most of them, seem to share the very same psychological problems as their French contemporaries, theory, as far as it is concerned, remains deeply influenced by the French but also is only too little influenced by the sociological specificities of these countries.

Key-words : Africa, Adolescence, Psychopathology.


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